Ich stelle Ihnen die belgischen Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen vor, die je nachdem, in welchem ​​Teil des Landes Sie sich befinden, variieren


Von Tman11S


  1. There was one road, I guess nearby Gent and the sign was “40” 🙂

  2. Distinct-Entity_2231 on

    Give Vlanderen to Niederlande, Eupen-Malmedy to Deutschland and Waloon to Frankreich, and all will be good.

  3. tesrepurwash121810 on

    With the new right wing coalitions in Brussels it will maybe go back to 50 (even if it causes more accidents and pollution because populism)

  4. DocGerbill on

    Maybe not officially but de facto in all of Flanders the highway speed limit is 110.

  5. It’s 70 on regular roads in flanders?

    I know dozens of Germans who would go crazy if they had to drive 70.

  6. Those speed limit signs are giving me an idea of what having OCD might feel like….

  7. THE12DIE42DAY on

    That last one being 20…

    In Germany that’s a “verkehrsberuhigter Bereich” where there is a speed limit of 5 km/h (because that’s the walking of walking)

  8. TemporalCash531 on

    As always Belgium being pure, utter chaotic while not doing too bad.

  9. GalwayBogger on

    Sure, they haven’t a clue how to drive anyway, speed limits are the least of their worries. They drive like 12 yr olds with adhd, it’s terrifying.

  10. Fun fact in Wallonia you have some 2×2 streets like E46/N89, where you still can drive 120 (technically 126) with intersections. You will find this in no other country. You can technically make crossover on this streets on country roads.

    Even in Albania where they try to build a A1 highway on a road with lot of linear settlement. They try to avoid crossings.

    If you look to the death accidents , province Luxembourg with the most of them is dark dark red.

  11. Sneaky-Pur on

    Where was this trend when I was working as tester for Trafic sign recognition systems ?

  12. onlinepresenceofdan on

    Belgium is ready to split. Its responsible to be prepared.

  13. stanhopeRoot on

    You forgot the 120 on any road with 2 lanes in each direction separated by a median

  14. SomebodyWondering665 on

    Belgium 🇧🇪 is not a serious country. Why do they keep on putting themselves through this madness, in every sector of their society? 🇳🇱 🇫🇷🇩🇪

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