Why is this ‘Murican sign? We don’t use that here!
noyart on
+ should be *?Â
Familiar_Ad_8919 on
speed limit (optional)
the amount of speeding drivers get away with over here is insane, cant imagine what its like in the balkans
kolasinats on
It’s actually X+10
Working-Yesterday186 on
It’s a speed guideline, not a speed limit
rantonidi on
Well, most consider it even mandatory.
LeastWin900 on
You mean +30 wright?
rantheman76 on
The Balkans, where the middle pedal is the horn…
Individual-Dish-4850 on
Information to an American?
thisi_sausername on
Limits! Bah humbug!
Rus_agent007 on
I followed speed limits when driving the coastal roads in Croatia. Was common to be 30km/h ob a lot of cliff roads.
Even the Germans overtaking me gave me the Balkan hands through the window.
industrialHVACR on
Why so square?
jznwqux on
speedometers are showing less, so police is not stopping you for +10.
+5 is usually little less than the limit (i pass spped-cameras always with +5)
ScottOld on
Head on into a truck
BossKrisz on
You see, this is a very common misconception. People think the speed limit means the limit for the tip speed you can go with. But in reality it’s actually a limit to the lowest acceptable speed. In a 50 km/h zone, you cannot go slower that 50. Even then you’re threading on thin ice.
PLPolandPL15719 on
Here it is +10 😉
Ravenaire_ on
Quick Math
marcvsHR on
If we could read this would seriously upset us…
Dramatic_Mastodon_93 on
I feel like an oppressed minority being someone who actually respects the speed limit in Serbia
wrong. its 60+10
Why is this ‘Murican sign? We don’t use that here!
+ should be *?Â
speed limit (optional)
the amount of speeding drivers get away with over here is insane, cant imagine what its like in the balkans
It’s actually X+10
It’s a speed guideline, not a speed limit
Well, most consider it even mandatory.
You mean +30 wright?
The Balkans, where the middle pedal is the horn…
Information to an American?
Limits! Bah humbug!
I followed speed limits when driving the coastal roads in Croatia. Was common to be 30km/h ob a lot of cliff roads.
Even the Germans overtaking me gave me the Balkan hands through the window.
Why so square?
speedometers are showing less, so police is not stopping you for +10.
+5 is usually little less than the limit (i pass spped-cameras always with +5)
Head on into a truck
You see, this is a very common misconception. People think the speed limit means the limit for the tip speed you can go with. But in reality it’s actually a limit to the lowest acceptable speed. In a 50 km/h zone, you cannot go slower that 50. Even then you’re threading on thin ice.
Here it is +10 😉
Quick Math
If we could read this would seriously upset us…
I feel like an oppressed minority being someone who actually respects the speed limit in Serbia
its more like +30 and no seatbelt