Russland könnte bis 2030 in der Lage sein, die NATO anzugreifen – deutscher Geheimdienst


  1. Alarmed_Mistake_9999 on

    Submission Statement: German intelligence **did not** claim that a large-scale Russian attack in the late 2020s was inevitable, but rather that Russia would have the capability to mount such an attack by that time. He also did not mention the other variables such as the potential of Ukraine’s collapse or the posture of the United States in Europe. But Mr Kahl largely restated the obvious about sabotage attacks and other forms of hybrid warfare, which are impossible to deter.

    Commentary: There is still no definitive Western Intelligence assessment that Putin and the men around him have territorial ambitions for military conquest of any NATO members. But of course it’s always best to prepare for the worst, even if it’s not going to happen. Following a hypothetical victory over Ukraine, the temptation in Moscow to order a few Spetsnaz across the Estonian and Latvian borders would be strong.

  2. MountErrigal on

    I don’t believe a word the German foreign intelligence services say.
    Been riddled with spies and moles for a while now

  3. BigDaddy0790 on

    This is rather vague. They can do so today, question is how effective will it be and will they.

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