Das ist so eine verkorkste Sache. „Ich bin der Einzige, der von der Gruppe noch übrig ist“, ein russischer Kämpfer, der den gescheiterten Angriff wie durch ein Wunder überlebte.



  1. johndavis730 on

    Must be from an important unit – rare to see a Russian with a CAT tourniquet vs the rubber bands we see the conscripts using.

  2. Temporary_Potato_312 on

    You should be ashamed, your family has missed out on a bag of potatos

  3. Accomplished_Web8122 on

    Don’t worry comrade, you’ll be involved in the next assault

  4. Looks surprised. That will wear off. Then the hopelessness and full realization of how foolish doing this all for the fever-dream of some lumpy bureaucrat in a suit is in actuality.

    Skipping ahead, *rigor mortis* usually follows…

  5. Dangerous_Reply_6785 on

    If there’s ever a good time to surrender the time is now

  6. 2 years these videos have been coming out. And still they run forward. No sympathy

  7. applefilla on

    Moments before he finds a group of UKR soldiers and thinks they’re friendly and he ends up on reddit

  8. shapeitguy on

    He’s saying he’s stuck some 130m away from his positions and Ukrainians are all around.

    I hope our guys got this bastard and he didn’t get away.

  9. filterdecay on

    He invaded another country and killed or tried to kill because he was paid. Fuck him.

  10. He looks like a guy in a video from a while ago, where he was beginning for shotguns to be sent to front because they are beeing killed and burned by Ukrainian drones.

  11. TheAverageObject on

    Would be funny of this is the guy that gets shot in a different recent video where a Russian is asking for friendlies.

  12. Benukraine on

    Is there translation? Especially the radio chat would be interesting.

  13. Elegant_Accident2035 on

    Not very professional, sitting around making videos. He needs to pick himself up and report back, then get ready to recieve his next order to go again. If Putin sees these videos he’ll be in a lot of trouble.

  14. Blackpouchfund on

    Come on people this is still a human fighting a war for people in a office. Show some humanity

  15. Available_to_History on

    This whole situation can be easely fixt… forgood.
    Turn your weapons on that famous kolchos in red square and fuckstick Pooptin and his gang

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