Ein Europa, das schützt und für wahren Frieden steht: Aufbau einer Europäischen Verteidigungsunion


Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. how about no , considering not all eu natiosn are in NATO ( austria and ireland) and the feact somer countries ireland have veto on on a defense union via its contitution

    “29.4.9° The State shall not adopt a decision taken by
    the European Council to establish a common defence
    pursuant to Article 42 of the Treaty on European
    Union where that common defence would include the

  2. This isn’t going to happen, as long as the US isn’t fully bankrupt. They will not allow any real competition, and that includes Europe.

  3. alvvays_on on

    I was really surprised at the tone of this article.

    But it’s not an EU piece. It’s just a political piece by the EPP.

  4. How about just having national armies that are allied to each other. I know it sounds complicated, but it’s less complicated trust me

  5. I don’t know man, there’s more to armed forces than just protecting the EU borders and act as detterant against the russians. Armed forces in many countries are also protector of the national constitution, and serve the geographical interests of the different nations. France for example has strong interests in Africa, would an EU army allow them to keep having french bases overseas? Italy is planning to expend its influence in the mediteranean and the red sea, will they be able to do that autonomously?

    That being said, i’m more for a joint European alternative to NATO rather than unified armed forces.

  6. Not going to happen simply because not one of the countries with decent MIC will want to sacrifice it. Vetos will start flying in procurement procedures. Just imagine how the supposed eu army tank division would pick mbt between leopard, leclerc or other European model. Also smaller members would want a work share for money invested as the deals Poland and Romania have with South Korea.

  7. Goodtoolorganizer on

    They need to stop talking about this nonsense, Hungary will just shut it down with a snap of the finger.

  8. After 2 devastating world wars in Europe this has to come, finally. 2 times the whole continent was destroyed completely and so many innocent lives were lost. No more war in Europe – we the people are sick of this.

  9. Diligent_Excitement4 on

    I’m glad this is finally happening. Post ww2 order is collapsing. Time to wake up

  10. SamBeckettsBiscuits on

    I like how all of these things mentioned in this article and other ones concerning things like some EU Army with a joint command etc etc. never existed and were routinely lauded as fearmongering by nationalists before Russia invaded Ukraine. The fact that the first time such concepts would ever be challenged to see how strong they really were, i.e it being fearmongering, instantly collapsed and was replaced by things like this. I wonder how many federalists and other people with too many hours in paradox games rub their hands together at the thought of some power fantasy they’ve cooked up while listening to Ode to Joy or something.

  11. At the end of WW2, US accounted for about half of world GDP, now it’s at 26.3%. The reality is that catch-up growth is easier than cutting-edge growth, so developing countries will tend to grow at a higher rate than developed ones. Meaning to some degree, multipolarity.

    Adding up all NATO members does not get us to the share of world GDP US alone constituted at the time, but it’s probably the best we can hope for. No longer can Europe really slack off on military and let US do a disproportionate amount of the funding, irrespective of a Trump presidency, simply because in relative terms, 3rd parties will continue to grow rapidly.

  12. PremiumTempus on

    What is with all the opposition from every angle when it comes to unified European defence? This issue requires immediate attention—our dependence on the United States is alarming, especially in light of Trump’s presidency. Let’s be honest, if Trump wins the next election, NATO will either undergo a radical transformation or cease to exist altogether. The stability of the US as a democracy and an ally is increasingly questionable and completely . Even if Kamala Harris wins, we should not be complacent; it will merely serve as a temporary reprieve before we face the next crisis.

    Have we not observed how many Republicans in the US deny climate change and attribute hurricanes to the Democratic Party? Such conspiracy theories indicate a political system that has lost its functionality.

    The post-World War II order is unequivocally over. While its decline began in 2014, the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine have made this reality painfully clear. Nations worldwide are reassessing their geopolitical alliances in anticipation of the new order. Europe, however, appears to be an outlier—lacking a coherent strategy, consistency, or the ability to navigate the bureaucratic maze of treaty changes and regulations.

    It is imperative that we prepare the European economy, institutions, businesses, and defence structures for a new era, moving beyond the status quo that seem to be acting like its summer of 2006. The time for action is now.

  13. RedPillForTheShill on

    Considering how bat shit insane the special kid in the alliance has gone, it’s a high time we let them implode into isolationism. Time to stop relying on the stupid and build a defense pact amongst the civilized nations.

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