Apple könnte nächstes Jahr das 2.000 US-Dollar teure „Apple Vision“-Headset herausbringen


  1. Which-Moment-6544 on

    Still $1800 overpriced from what a regular person who would want to try it out would be willing to pay.

  2. I’m sure theres dozens of apple fanboys willing to shell out for this overpriced plastic.

  3. SkullRunner on

    Good, we can all not buy that one too, the influencers can all Buy theirs then return them like last time.

  4. beaujangles727 on

    I would pay 1000-1200 just for the cool factor and to say I have it and would probably get moderate use at best.

    I was a day 2 iPhone user, day 1 watch user, day 1 air pod user… and those 3 devices changed my life in different ways.

    This one is more for fun than any actual usefulness. Get it down another 500 apple and I bet you sell way more of them.

  5. I’m gonna agree with the hivemind that even $2k is not a consumer price level. it’s almost half what the Pro is priced, In comparison it sounds good. it’s just not what other headsets on the market are ballparked at.

    The Pro needs to be $2500, and non pro needs to be 999-1499 range to make any progress in the market. It doesn’t need to be 300-500 bucks and complete directly with meta if the specs warrant it. It does need to be priced low enough that consumers can see it as a realistic Ladder up from other brand headsets.

  6. MarketWonderful3773 on

    Meta Quest 3s is set to be $300 and the Meta Quest 3 is pretty incredible at $500. Aside from not trusting Meta/Zuck or just needing the absolute maximum quality possible, I don’t know why anyone would shell out 4 or 7 times the price.

  7. Ya if it wasn’t tied to the Apple ecosystem and essentially useless if you don’t daily drive an Apple machine I might be interested.
    I like the idea of having virtual screens floating around. Not so much about controlling them with hand gestures though.

  8. Cool… so still 4x the price of a 512GB Quest 3 which has way more content.

  9. It’s like they are trying to pass the full R&D costs to the first few buyers, which is bizarre to me. If they have no faith that this will take off, why release it at all?

  10. And nobody will buy it again since they haven’t yet demonstrated a killer app that makes people want to suffer the inconvenience of wearing it and the cost of buying in.

    VR has to be relatively cheap to sell since there just isn’t that many compelling reasons to use it, yet anyway. Some are close enough to justify the price but not at $2000.

  11. By then the Quest 4 would be coming out soon and probably several times cheaper and more worth it lol. Plus AVP still barely has any apps, the Quest has the ecosystem of all the Meta games + PCVR. Who knows how long it’ll take Apple to get their VR app ecosystem going, unless it really becomes comfortable enough for productivity- like if I felt comfortable video editing, linking to my MacBook and having a huge screen instead of a 14” then I could see it being worth it. It would have to be so light though

  12. potent_flapjacks on

    It’s $500 in five years and competing directly with Meta AR glasses.

  13. Whatwhyreally on

    Still haven’t seen a single compelling use case to wear something that uncomfortable.

  14. nikicampos on

    There’s something about the current state of this technology that even of it was $500 I wouldn’t buy it, I just don’t see any real world benefit for me right now, maybe in 4-5 years I might feel different when it’s 1/3 of the size

  15. nice_quean on

    “Set For 2026” – this is all rumors. Title of the original article has a very different tone.

  16. Neliegoatish on

    Maybe find actual uses for it and make a “killer app” so there’s actually a reason for it to exist before making more.

  17. LivieBeguiling on

    It’s almost funny how Apple – with all they cash they have – is absolutely not willing to cut down on the profit margins of their product. 

    They could simply bring the price down by… you know, charging less. Exactly what Meta is doing.  But if they did that they may never be able to bring the margins up significantly so they won’t even try.  

    Vision Pro could easily be $2000 from what we know. Vision Air probably $1000. But no. They’d rather not release it at all. 

  18. MrNegativ1ty on

    The price is really only half the problem here. The other problem is that it’s a pointless novelty. There is almost nothing that people care about that you can do on the VP that also can’t be accomplished by just using your phone, a much more practical device that doesn’t require a brick strapped to your face.

    Look at the Quest, retention rate on that platform is abysmal. Why? Because people buy it, use it for a few weeks, then put it in a closet to collect dust when the novelty wears off.

    I don’t really see this ever taking off at any price.

  19. NobleBoysenburry on

    I know a lot of people don’t want to hear it, but they should scrap this product line.

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