Junge hat 300 Anfälle am Tag, bis er medizinisches Cannabis einnimmt – jetzt gibt es Hoffnung für andere


    Von gemushka


    1. Great news for him Sadly, though restricted by big Pharma as they cannot control the growth of cannabis if it’s made legal,

    2. MrVillainsDayOff on

      I’m glad the kid will do better with it.

      I just hope this won’t make those people who have made weed their personality even more insufferable to be around.

    3. I only get my hands on weed every 6-8 months and it helps me sleep better than my prescribed sleeping pills that I have for my PTSD. If weed was legal I’d happily go buy a vape or some brownies instead of relying on my prescription. I honestly don’t understand why it’s illegal when the benefits from tax and well-being for folk would be immense.

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