Russische Soldaten veröffentlichen weiterhin Videos von lebenden Menschenjagden im Internet. Hier versuchen sie, eine Frau auf einem Fahrrad zu töten.

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Kherson region.

    Russian soldiers continue posting videos of live human hunts online, adding the most unsuitable music.

    Here, they are trying to kill a woman on a bicycle.

    Will this elicit “deep concerns” from the UN? Or go totally unnoticed?

    Note: I have removed the obnoxious music that the russians put on this vid to celebrate their warcrime

  2. Suspicious-Fox- on

    Russians always kill, murder, rape and pillage. They don’t care if it’s military or civilians.

  3. CrowlarSup on

    I am in for NATO to carpet bomb all Russian soldiers close to where this happends. Kill them all, just to be sure.

  4. Unable_Ad_1260 on

    Someone will track these Terrorussians. People will remember these scum. One day they will think themselves safe and be bragging in a bar or something, on a Turkish holiday or something, and justice will hopefully come for them.

    Go home Terrorussians. It’s not your country.

  5. for_sure_not_a_lama on

    These vile monsters are actually taking pleasure in killing innocent civilians and even recording it.

    They are vile, evil, and made to be killed.

  6. CarnivoreX on

    And they get off on knowing that people are watching this in horror. So DO NOT share them here or anywhere, jesus.

  7. Dreadweasels on

    And yet, despite crossing multiple boundaries of the Geneva convention, the West sat back and mumbles about appropriate responses and limiting missile strikes because Putin has nukes.

    Whereas Iran, who DOESN’T have nukes gets a full scale air defence campaign against it’s missile attacks.

    Just more reason for future dictators to aim for nukes…

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