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>>”Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values,” he said during the livestream. “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
His original comment; today’s elaboration:
> “Republicans oftentimes talk about socialism, and what I would make the case of is we build our roads collectively together. I don’t think anybody’s arguing that you should have to build your own road from your house to your business place or whatever. So, I said this definition that the right uses about these things that we collectively do together, that look I believe in moral capitalism. I believe capitalism works and it lifts everyone up, but I also believe you have to make sure there’s things we collectively do together.”
> He added: “The point being on this is trying to divide that, but you certainly can’t have capitalism that says billionaires get everything and the middle class gets nothing, and I think Kamala Harris’ point on this is lifting up the middle class.”
I think we all get what he’s saying, and it’s good to see him speaking up again. And he’s absolutely right: a lot of these common-good measures can be considered a socialistic impulse, neighborliness, any number of things, but that basic infrastructure is needed for a functioning society that doesn’t just serve the wealthy.
Great, keep it up. This is what we need. More controversy that lets dems actually play to their strength. I[‘ve referenced this exact reply multiple times in the last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1fp6bhm/comment/loxyi0b/) as a great messaging point.
Stir controversy and make the Republicans defend concentration camps, defend things like NOT feeding children, and call them weird when they defend it. Because it’s weird.
Democrats would do well to never use the word socialism. Nobody anywhere close to power in this supports actual socialism, a system where the means of production is owned collectively owned, and things like safety net programs and business regulations aren’t socialism, but branding them as such makes them far easier to attacked by the right. People in Denmark or Sweden would be the first to tell you their governments and economies aren’t socialist.
Unfortunately, all the momentum is with Trump rn. We all need to vote like we’re 10 points behind!
Unfortunately the DNC refuses to use popular rhetoric and prefers to go to the right.
Immigration, super right wing, Israel right wing, then they want to be a bipartisan to win over 5 Republican votes.
Republicans are all in on socialism for billionaires.
Dems should be pushing progressive policies like this more, not saying stupid shit about how many Republicans she’ll let into her new cabinet.
Walz is such a breath of fresh air.
That’s what I hate about libertarianism: they all get to drive on public roads, use public services and have all the benefits of living in a well regulated society with safeguards and standards, all while yelling to tear it all down in favour of individual rights.
At this point, I’ll try some socialism. How much worse could it be?
he lost me at “moral capitalism” but that’s okay. this is sort of progress
When the Conservative talked about Capitalism, what they actually meant was Monopoly… Not fair and just access to resources that Capitalism “preach”.
He’s right. It’s not just roads we need to finance collectively, it’s also public schools, police, military, firefighters…salaries for politicians
What is the point of trying to read this site?
He still feels like he’s selling out he always prefaces something progressive by saying he’s a capitalist.
Thank FUCK someone is finally willing to point out how many socialism-esque entities already exist in the USA.
Why do people post these articles about a news event from another source rather than just linking the source video directly??
That’s a shit definition by Merriam-Webster. In socialism, the means of production is owned by the people. And while there are the Commons, people still own their own property.
Well said.
I for one am also glad that we have a department of education:
The Department of Education (ED) fosters educational excellence, and to ensures equal access to educational opportunity for all. (Side note, that second part is critical to a successful nation!)
The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is to provide daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration, and the supporting of marine commerce.
And SEC:
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) oversees securities exchanges, securities brokers and dealers, investment advisors, and mutual funds in an effort to promote fair dealing, the disclosure of important market information, and to prevent fraud.
And federal reserve:
(Many responsibilities)
OSHA’s mission is to assure America’s workers have safe and healthful working conditions free from unlawful retaliation. OSHA carries out its mission by setting and enforcing standards; enforcing anti-retaliation provisions of the OSH Act and other federal whistleblower laws; providing and supporting training, outreach, education, and assistance; and ensuring state OSHA programs are at least as effective as federal OSHA, furthering a national system of worker safety and health protections.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigates safety defects in motor vehicles, sets and enforces fuel economy standards, helps states and local communities reduce the threat of drunk drivers, promotes the use of safety belts, child safety seats and air bags, investigates odometer fraud, establishes and enforces vehicle anti-theft regulations, conducts research on driver behavior and traffic safety, and provides consumer information on motor vehicle safety topics.
And the many other duties and responsibilities that our federal government funds and oversees.
Which, by the way, all of which p2025 and a47 wish to abolish. These agencies and departments may not be perfect. There may be ways to make them better. I am voting to do that, rather than descend into chaos and full-blown fascism.
Every time my dad goes off on socialism I remind him that he still needs to shop for and contact with a fire fighting company to come service his house just in case.
You can boil republicans views on socialism in one very simple way.
Do they feel they are benefitting from it? If they do, it’s not socialism. If they feel they are not benefiting, it is socialism.
No one talks about the poor much anymore. Rise up the middle class. What about the poor?
Webster’s definitions Communism not Socialism.
Once upon a time, there were these hunter/gatherers.
The hunters/gatherers would set forth hunting and gathering.
Upon their return to the tribe, they would redistribute the acquired assets, wealth, and goods amongst the tribe.
These practices assured the tribe’s survival, particularly during times of scarcity such as winter.
Thus was socialism born.
It’s not rocket science.
“Socialism” is going to rebuild the devestatation caused by Helene and Milton. Should we just tell those people whose lives have been turned upside down “grab those bootstraps and pull hard”?
The Republicans gripe about a $750.00 initial payment as inadequate, implying that it should be more, out of one side of their mouths and decry socialism as un-American out of the other. The hypocrisy is right there but their “low information voters” refuse to see it.
The best part, if you look up socialism on Merriam-Webster you’ll see that they omitted the first definition when asking Walz about it. The first definition is “any of various egalitarian economic and political theories or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” They skipped it cause well it’s Fox News.
Tim Walz for President
There are three kinds of socialism: National Socialism, (Naziism) which built Auschwitz; Economic Socialism, where all capital (means of production, factories and manufacturing) is owned by the state; and Democratic Socialism, where the government uses a portion of its tax revenue to serve the common good. This is where nationalized health care and mandatory maternity and family leave come from in northern European countries.
It’s also a distinctly American concept, as embodied by the general welfare clause of the constitution. It’s where roads, streetlights, and fire and police departments come from. And also food stamps and a hundred other things. We take some money from everyone to do good things for everyone.
People like Bernie, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, and Tim Walz are Democratic Socialists. I’m sure Bernie knows the term and would agree. Not sure about Tim, though his description fits.
Republicans like to treat all three kinds of socialism as if they were the same. They say, “Oh my gourds, you’re a ¡Socialist!? Do you want to kill people, or steal businesses from hard-working Americans?” They don’t care about the truth. They care about using an intentional misunderstanding as a way to slander their opponents.
Tim wants to keep the street lights on, and build roads, bridges, and schools. Maybe some health care and college debt relief too, though each socialist draws the line at a slightly different place.
Hurricane relief is democratic socialism too. So Republicans are against it, until it happens to them.
Tim is a (democratic) socialist. I am too.
Walz is an awesome speaker!
WHY for the love of everything can’t people use the fucking words SOCIAL PROGRAMS instead of socialism???? JFC they are two different things and social programs are what republicans back in the day voted for along with democrats. Bernie Sanders really screwed everything when he used socialism, absolute stupidity.
For most outside of the US the Democratic Party would be considered Right wing compared to other democracies
The right has succeeded in making socialism equal to communism, which is not. They have also managed to convince lots of people that a center party like the democrats is a leftist party, which to the rest of the world is a joke. Even the leftmost part of the party is pretty centered by European standards.
Our country would be much better off if we could return to the view of politics that produced social security and Medicare, but sadly, here we are, stuck with shit that smells bad and trying to fix it by putting it in a box and pretending it’s not there.
How many of these anti socialist idiots are collecting social security?
I got banned from libertarian for pointing out their definition of socialism would include the gift shop at the White House. I am actually pretty proud of that. Libertarians are uber-dorks.
I’d take the so called socialism over a fascist dictatorship that will only benefit the dictator and the oligarchs while everyone else is left to fend for themselves after all there rights and freedoms have disappeared.