UN-Chef sagt, Angriffe auf UNIFIL könnten „ein Kriegsverbrechen darstellen“



  1. AffectionatePaint83 on

    Well, when you don’t do your jobs and don’t force the Hez to stop firing missiles into Israeli civilian areas for a year, which forces the IDF to take action, and you ignore the notification of said actions taking place near you and refuse to evacuate, then the results are on you.

  2. ProtonSerapis on

    Maybe it should be a crime to completely fail at enforcing the resolution they were put there for in the first place.

    Edit: Also, it costs us money!

    “In 2023, Congress appropriated $143 million to UNIFIL, accounting for over one-quarter of the peacekeeping body’s approximately $510 million budget. Since the war in 2006, Washington has spent more than $2.5 billion to support UNIFIL.”

    So we pay for the Israeli bombs, then we pay for aid to the bombed areas, all the while we pay these UN jokers who are supposed to be keeping Hezbollah away from the border. So basically we are getting triple fucked with our money going to all of this shit.

  3. SctBrnNumber1Fan on

    This shit is rediculous either do your job UNIFIL or get the fuck out of the way.

  4. Brilliant_User_7673 on

    What a useless Sec Gen this GUTIERREZ really is !

    Israel asked UNIFIL to evacuate. Gutierrez should ORDER them to leave.

    After 2 decades of supporting Hezbollah in VIOLATION of the UN own resolution, is UNIFIL now trying to become Hizbollah’s martyrs ?

    Useless Gutierrez, do your fuckin job, for a change.

  5. **UN**: Attacks on UNIFIL are a war crime!

    **Israel**: Then please evacuate them so they’re not in harm’s way.

    **UN**: NO!

  6. Gobsmack13 on

    Yeah and I’m pretty sure unrwa employing active terror cells into their ranks constitutes some nasty name-calling, too.

  7. Vegeta9001 on

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine showed that you can get away with war crimes, as long as you have nukes.

  8. Burning through $500M/year with negative results may be a war crime… Oops, that’s just UNIFaIL budget.

  9. whatsthatidk on

    It comes down to the UN being an absolute joke. Most of the time it seems like the good things they do are in spite of themselves. Like the NORDBAT 2 stuff that happened in former Yugoslavia only being effective in their mission to protect civilians because they ignored the UN and their own government to do the right thing because they understood the situation on the ground.

    If the peacekeepers they send aren’t authorized to actually keep the peace they should be pulled out.

  10. Theyre shooting missles from next to unifil bases lol. Howbout stop them, or gtfo.

  11. You notice all this is happening during a hot election when the current admin is constrained. Bibi better watch out next month.

  12. One-Connection-8737 on

    When the UNIFIL aids enemy combatants they *become* enemy combatants.

    Imagine not only refusing to enforce the resolution you were put there specifically to do, then going as far as allowing Hezbollah to use your positions, and having the gall to complain about Israeli defensive actions.

  13. thedayafternext on

    Then get out of the way. It’s not like any useful peace keeping is taking place is it. UNIFIL just another terrorist simping organisation.

  14. I have a feeling AI has already taken over these kind of threads. Shame because reddit was one of the few places to have an actual conversation some times. Now it’s just screaming propaganda for both sides, a sad state.

  15. If a bunch of embedded tunnels and weapons caches are found like two or so football fields away from your base, and you are refusing to shelter when tanks roll through, you are enabling one of the two factions. That’s, like, the exact opposite of UNIFIL’s mandate and 1701.

  16. PoorClassWarRoom on

    Every Hasbara post is all the same message, all of them. “Do your job or we will kill your people.”

  17. It is hilarious how people here are calling for attacking UN troops while still pretending they are the moral side. This is the exact same shit russian citizens who have been fed propaganda think about the Ukraine war.

  18. Mike_Michaelson on

    When peacekeepers have failed to hold the peace they should admit it and leave, not be a willing human shield for both their cynical home country’s diplomatic corp and Islamic terrorists.

  19. Remind me. Have they uttered the word “War Crimes” when talking about the actions of the violent Iranian proxy UNIFIL is protecting?

  20. A fundamental principle if we believe in any kind of world order is that if UN Peacekeepers are deployed they must be respected. Israel is without doubt behaving like a rogue state now. We condemn states like Russia for invading Ukraine and ignoring UN resolutions but for some reasons Americans in particular want to give Israel a free pass. Yes they have a right to self defence. Self defence does not include ordering UN peacekeepers about and shooting at them.

  21. Legitimate-Yak4505 on

    Yeah yeah, everything is a war crime. The UN is a joke with a no punchline.

  22. Sensitive-Cat-6069 on

    Everything is a war crime, except the things UN employees do. They are immune.

  23. TimePlankton3171 on

    UNIFIL’s complete ineptitude is the bigger crime here. It caused all the civilian deaths and suffering on both sides. The UN is starting to become a war crime.

  24. laptopaccount on

    It’s funny when you find these comment threads that are so obviously part of an influence operation. The tone of the comments is so drastically different than most other threads on this topic.

  25. cheesesilver on

    It seems the IDF mistakenly “backed” into the UNIFIL base for safety. what a joke.

    “According to UNIFIL, “At around 4:30 a.m., while peacekeepers were in shelters, two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the position’s main gate and forcibly entered the position.” UNIFIL accused the IDF of putting the lives of its peacekeepers in danger and said the tanks left about 45 minutes after it protested their presence.

    **What the IDF says:** The IDF, however, said it had been trying to evacuate IDF troops nearby who had been fired upon by a “large barrage of anti-tank missiles.”

    It said multiple troops had been injured in the initial barrage, two of them severely, and that a further attack targeted the tank as it “backed” into the UNIFIL post.”

  26. Winged_One_97 on

    Everything Israel did is “War Crime” regardless of reality, so at this point, War Crime has no meaning.

  27. NA_0_10_never_forget on

    Breaking news: Israeli eats lunch, UN chief says it may constitute to a war crime

  28. bearkatsteve on

    UN soldiers being useless since Rwanda, but at least the Hutus weren’t mercing them

  29. Stinkyclamjuice15 on

    Hey guys it’s only a war crime the first time!! 

    Haha quack bang warheads on forehead proportions response 

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