Der 18-Jährige unterzeichnete Mitte August einen Militärvertrag, um gegen die Ukrainer zu kämpfen und den Status als „Top-Typ“ in seinem Bezirk zu erlangen. Einen Monat später war er in Kursk, wo ihn sein Kommandant in einen Fleischangriff schickte. Er bereute seine Entscheidung, aber es war zu spät – und am 14. September war er tot.


  1. VeniVediVici44 on

    Russians reading this: “Why would the Ukrainians do this to him?”…

  2. ExtremeModerate2024 on

    He admitted he was an idiot and regrets signing the contract an hour before being sent to the meat grinder.

  3. Any-Progress7756 on

    Damn, that was sad. I hope Russians see this and don’t enlist.

  4. TheGracefulSlick on

    Well yeah. Young men have a heroic view of war until they experience it firsthand. *All Quiet on the Western Front* portrays this very attitude. This has been known throughout history, and it is not something unique to just Russia.

  5. Honestly what’s really interesting is that it’s proof they hot max 2 weeks training

  6. Standard-Diamond-392 on

    Uuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm……… who cares? GTFO of Ukraine & this shit won’t happen

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