Erste standardisierte Wohnungsentwürfe kommen im Dezember, werden aber erst „Anfang 2025“ genehmigungsreif sein


  1. BC already has standardized designs. The federal government moves so slow. 

  2. Does anyone know the biggest hold up to getting housing built? I know theres many issues at play but is there one that stands out?
    Access to cheap capital?
    Skilled trades shortages?
    Long waits for permits?
    Lack of buyers?

  3. Itchy_Training_88 on

    One thing I’m curious, if the drafter/architect gets royalties for each time the design is used?

    Pretty easy to have nepotism if that is the case.

    Approve only your ‘friends’ designs, and they get royalties into perpetuality because its an ‘official’ government design.

  4. ParisAintGerman on

    All that needs to be done is remove zoning restrictions, remove parking minimums and tax the shit out of unoccupied property

  5. HereGoesMy2Cents on

    Are they also planning to build schools, hospitals, parks, libraries, recreation centres, police & fire stations?

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