Eilmeldung: Das US-Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt, dass amerikanische Truppen zur Verteidigung gegen iranische Angriffe nach Israel entsandt werden.

Von ShitHouses


  1. morethanskin on

    Color me shocked. Americans’ kids and tax dollars hard at work once again.

  2. Objective-Aardvark87 on

    Your tax dollar are not enough! Molech demands your blood sacrifice!

  3. AnonyMouseSnatcher on

    “It’s ok though, because they’ll just be operating advanced weapons; they won’t be engaged in direct combat!” Sure, maybe not yet, but this makes US troops targets in defense of a state engaged in genocide and other war crimes

  4. AgentUnknown821 on

    Oh great, More trillions for war without concrete results to waste…

  5. Aaahh so that’s how you protect Americans from Iran.. send them to the war zone!

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