Ein Besatzungsmitglied eines russischen BMP-3 versucht, unter einem brennenden Fahrzeug hervorzukriechen. Gebiet Donezk



  1. Both-Acanthisitta634 on

    Man’s inhumanity to man in full, horrific HD. That wasn’t a pleasant watch.

  2. That-Interaction-45 on

    This is one of the most brutal I have seen. Idk which is more painful, this or bleeding out slow from grenade shrapnel.

  3. Go home, leave Ukraine and grow old with your families.

    Is how they want their legacy to end? Burning whilst invading a sovereign nation?

    Go home.

  4. I guess whilst im happy to see Russians getting crushed in these quite shocking videos, I’m not so naive as to think there isn’t a video filmed by the orcs which is much the same, but with a UAF soldier going through it. Fuck Russia

  5. AdIllustrious3437 on

    Insane that we see this kind of stuff regularly from different angles

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