Die Gesamtfruchtbarkeitsrate (TFR) der Türkei sinkt weiter


Von Inevitable-Push-8061


  1. Intelligent-Rip-184 on

    In recent years, the Erdogan government has destroyed the Turkish economy. Turkey has become terribly poor. Income inequality is at its peak. It is now just the very rich and the very poor. The most harmed segment of the country is the educated, well-equipped, honest, intelligent, hard-working young people. This segment has now lost hope.

  2. TheeRoyalPurple on

    World: Hmm Kurds want independence

    Kurds: We are going to rule Rom hehhehe. 🤓

  3. My friend is a teacher in a city next to Urfa which is the one that is red in both maps. She was passing through Urfa and it coincided with the end of a school day with kids leaving the school to go home. She said she had never witnessed anything like it in her life, a city seemingly overrun by children.

  4. CecilPeynir on

    The region in red is Şanlıurfa (or Urfa for short) and contrary to popular belief, it is not a province with a Kurdish majority. It is a city divided between Arabs, Kurds, Turks and Zazas. It is difficult to give a percentage because everyone has their own claim.

  5. Chance-Ad8215 on

    Why do fertility heat maps always show lower fertility as blue or grey? We should be representing high fertility as green, something to be celebrated.

  6. boomeronkelralf on

    Voting for Erdogan and getting f ed by him, no need to get children

  7. International_Newt17 on

    Amazing how this trend of having less children seems to be everywhere.

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