„Der Bitcoin-Geldautomat von Mike Tyson“, der verspricht, „Ihr Geld in weniger als 20 Sekunden in Bitcoin umzuwandeln“, wodurch die Transaktion satte 10 Sekunden schneller erfolgt als der schnellste Knockout des Boxers, feierte sein offizielles Debüt im LINQ Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas im September 2015."

Hat jemand eines davon gesehen?



  1. Had never heard of this, ATMs have incredibly high fees so they’re almost never worth it

  2. WineMakerBg on

    “But the former heavyweight champion’s interest in the Bitcoin market didn’t stop at a branded ATM. Tyson partnered up again with Bitcoin Direct to launch a Bitcoin digital wallet for mobile devices.”

    Diamond fists, that’s for sure.

  3. InclineDumbbellPress on

    This is the first time I heard about this – Do people actually use Bitcoin ATMs nowadays? I assume the fees are mad crazy and scammers love them too. Also never expected to see Iron Mike Tyson and Bitcoin in the same frame LMAO

  4. KeepBitcoinFree_org on

    They should have used Bitcoin Cash if they wanted it to be that fast. BTC doesn’t work like that.

  5. Future-Tomorrow on

    I’ve never seen a person at a bitcoin machine, in any country.

    I’m also not sure it’s smart. All it would take is someone hanging out at one to potentially get a massive pay day.

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