Der amerikanische Verstand kann das nicht begreifen (die Kassierer sitzen). Eesti mainitud

Von Odd_Excitement8272


  1. lesser_ruhuratas on

    Stereotüüpne ameeriklane on paks, ma arvasin, et istumine on seal igas valdkonnas keha loomulik asend.

  2. Spiderpiggie on

    I worked in a factory when I was younger, printing labels for packages and slapping them on as they went by on the conveyor belt. I also have horribly bad knees, so after standing for a while I end up in severe pain. Boss still wouldn’t let me use a stool.

    Estonia may not be perfect, but working conditions are a hell of a lot better. (Can’t compare factory jobs here, since I have a comfy desk job now)

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