Sie stellen jetzt wunderschöne Sexroboter her, mit denen man ausgehen kann, wenn man einsam ist, und werden bald öffentlich zum Kauf angeboten. Ist das eine Möglichkeit, die Welt zu entvölkern?

Von Independent-Lime-776


  1. theres an influx of ai sexbot movies right now so this rings true with me.

  2. unclehelpful on

    The real reason there’s less rabbits is they released a couple of different viruses that fucked them up.

    Myxomatosis and Calicivirus. Nasty stuff, not fake sex rabbits though.

  3. EnchantedLawnmower on

    Those who can have sex with others will continue to do so. The rest of us will just have an outlet for the feelings we’re not allowed to express.

    I feel like if I had one of these 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have been such an insufferable incel in my 20’s.

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