Zoe Saldaña sagt, die Zusammenarbeit mit Steven Spielberg an „The Terminal“ habe „meinen Glauben an große Hollywood-Produktionen wiederhergestellt“ nach einer schlechten „Fluch der Karibik“-Erfahrung



  1. > “I knew with that experience the kind of people that I wanted to work with,” Saldaña said of “Pirates.” “The crew and the cast, they’re 99% of the time super marvelous. But if the studio and the producers and the director, they’re not leading with kindness and awareness and consideration, then that big of a production can become a really bad experience and you may tip overboard. And I kind of did.”

    > Luckily, she had “The Terminal” lined up next. “I worked with Steven Spielberg eight months later, and he restored my faith that big can also be great,” Saldaña said.

  2. OnBorrowedTimes on

    Which is interesting, since I would unhesitatingly declare *The Terminal* one of Spielberg’s worst movies.

  3. CrissBliss on

    Spielberg seems like a nice enough guy irl. I saw his behind the scenes stuff on ET. He dressed up for the Halloween scenes for the kids.

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