Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass der IQ einer Person während der High School einen Einfluss auf den Alkoholkonsum im späteren Leben hat. Bei Teilnehmern mit einem höheren IQ war die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie mäßig oder stark tranken, deutlich höher als bei Teilnehmern, die sich der Alkoholenthaltung verschrieben hatten.



  1. A person’s IQ during high school is predictive of alcohol consumption later in life, according to a study by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers published in Alcohol and Alcoholism. Participants with higher IQ levels were significantly more likely to be moderate or heavy drinkers, as opposed to abstaining.

    “We’re not saying that your IQ in high school controls your destiny,” said senior author E. Sherwood Brown, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., Distinguished Teaching Professor of Psychiatry and in the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute at UT Southwestern. “But IQ levels could lead to intervening social factors that influence drinking, and it’s an important mechanism to explore. Higher IQ seemed to predict a greater likelihood of being a moderate or heavy drinker but not a binge drinker.”

    Although Dr. Brown and UTSW colleagues have conducted numerous studies about alcohol use disorder, he said this is the first to examine predictors of drinking patterns.

    Alcohol consumption is on the rise among adults, with excessive drinking linked to high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, and other diseases as people age. At the same time, Dr. Brown explained, some research comparing abstinence with moderate drinking has found a link between cognitive ability and future alcohol use.

    “That led me to wonder, if alcohol influences cognition, could cognition affect alcohol consumption?” he said.


  2. challengeaccepted9 on

    Explains why Trump is teetotal, I guess. More worryingly, raises questions about why I drink so little… 

  3. > Alcohol consumption is on the rise among adults

    Where? Alcohol consumption has been steadily falling in Europe. Between 2010-2020 it fell by half a litre per capita.

  4. Battailous_Joint on

    It “may predict” not “it’s predictive”. There’s also mediation going on.

  5. You should try working in the academic field. Bunch of brainiacs that ostracize you if you drink or smoke. While being both extremely high-demanding and disrespectful.

    It’s not a fun combo.

  6. FireWaterSquaw on

    It doesn’t specify what they are drinking. I would wager they are drinking actual liquors or wines and not brews.

  7. I am curios if the study was funded by someone with an agenda like glamorizing alcohol or someone starting out with a idea and cherry picking facts to support their conclusion.

  8. ErictheAgnostic on

    To be somewhat intelligent and remain sober while watching the world operate is nye impossible.

  9. frosted1030 on

    The study was a sample of 6300 students graduating in 1957 in Wisconsin. At that time, IQ tests were essentially based on white American male cultural normatives highly skewed to the wealthy white man’s favor. Generally IQ is not a measure of much even today.

  10. RoseyOneOne on

    Maybe all the kids with adhd that were considered dumb in high school because they couldn’t focus got diagnosed when older, put on meds, and don’t drink ’cause it feels horrible if you do.

  11. We have a saying that roughly translates to: intelligence drinks, stupidity eats.

    So now it’s scientifically proven.

  12. VastWooden1539 on

    Does IQ predict success in life as interpreted by the person in cuestion? As people do the aforementioned association, these high IQ individuals may have to face higher fear of faillure and have more expectations placed on them while the trait could not be as significant for success as many advertise it to be. Cheers then

  13. incoherent1 on

    Probably because smarter people have a better understanding of how fucked up the world is.

  14. Daspineapplee on

    There have been a lot of posts in the mental and iq department recently that show me that I am of extreme intelligence and I’m all for it ngl.

  15. A few theories im pulling out of my ass

    -higher IQ less likely to be very religious less likely to be teetotalers
    -higher IQ associated with openness of experience more likely to experiment with heavy drinking
    -higher IQ more likely to go college (especially in 60s) and be exposed to college drinking culture (was that a thing in the 60s too?)
    -higher IQ more likely to become aware when alcohol is a problem and cut it out completely (looks like study only looked at 30 day history not lifetime? Can’t access the whole paper)

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