Zwei Menschen kommunizieren im REM-Schlaf in Träumen: Forschung lässt Science-Fiction Wirklichkeit werden


  1. > For the first time, two people have successfully communicated in their dreams. The historic milestone was achieved by researchers at REMspace. The research demonstrated that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential.

    > In a recent experiment on September 24, participants were sleeping at their homes when their brain waves and other polysomnographic data were tracked remotely by a specially developed apparatus. When the server detected that the first participant entered a lucid dream, it generated a random Remmyo word and sent it to him via earbuds. The participant repeated the word in his dream, with his response captured and stored on the server.

    > The next participants entered a lucid dream eight minutes later and received the stored message from the first participant. She confirmed it after awakening, marking the first-ever “chat” exchanged in dreams.

    > The breakthrough experiment successfully achieved an almost similar concept shown in the movie Inception. The company claimed that, additionally, two other people were able to communicate with the server through their dreams.

    > The successful communication was achieved after nearly five years of rigorous research and technological development. After the first communication, researcher are working to enhance their technology, achieving better results with each new attempt.

    > “Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so common we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology,” said Michael Raduga, founder and CEO of REMspace. Raduga underlined that this opens the door to countless commercial applications, reshaping how we think about communication and interaction in the dream world.

    > “That’s why we believe that REM sleep and related phenomena, like lucid dreams, will become the next big industry after AI.”

  2. Anyone seen Behind Her Eyes on Netflix? 👀

    Similar concept, craziest show ever

  3. (read: sleeping person is played recorded sound of another sleeping person) lol

  4. If we actually became able to control, manipulate, and share dream spaces, I think that would be the end of gaming as it currently stands.

    That said, with an article this light on details, one thinks it’ll remain science fiction for some time to come.

  5. Trash article, trash site. The few other places reporting this all point out that the company *claims* they accomplished this. No peer-reviewed article = skepticism.

    Maybe this happened, maybe it didn’t – either way, don’t buy into this article.

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