Eltern plädieren dafür, den Einsatz von tragbaren Geräten an Schulen in British Columbia zu beenden



  1. -SuperUserDO on

    It’s hypocritical for the provincial government to tell municipalities to build more and more housing when the former has done a terrible job with building enough infrastructure to support more housing.

  2. GalianoGirl on

    Oh for goodness sake, the title of the article and the text don’t match.

    Portables have been used for generations. And they last for decades.

  3. Melietcetera on

    They need to vote in Parties who actually give a damn about social services and actually building schools. Conservatives won’t.

  4. pretendperson1776 on

    Sure. 50 kids/class. No portables (for three years).

    Development absolutely has a role to play, but zoning needs to include land for schools. Current calculations are also a joke. A 400 unit condo complex with mostly 3 bedroom units was only budgeted for 200 children, age 5-17. Of that, they assume 16% will be home/private schooled. Oh, and it is near a school that is already well above 100% capacity.

    We absolutely need homes, but also parks, and schools, and hospitals, etc.

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