Und wenn jemand einen Beitrag darüber verfasst, sind die Bots mit voller Wucht am Werk und manchmal entfernen die Mods den Beitrag sogar, während Beiträge über Unsinn weiterhin offen bleiben dürfen.

Die Verschwörung, von der ich spreche, begann im Jahr 2021, als die Regierung die Menschen buchstäblich dazu zwang, eine Injektion mit Graphen und anderen Nanotechnologien zu nehmen. Es wird viel geleugnet, aber es passiert. Glauben die Menschen wirklich, dass die Regierung sie zu diesen Impfungen verpflichtet hat, weil ihnen ihre Gesundheit am Herzen liegt? Glauben sie wirklich, dass es nur um Geld geht? Den Leuten hinter dieser Verschwörung gehören alle Banken. Sie brauchen kein Geld. Sie drucken es aus dem Nichts.

Der Sinn der Impfungen besteht nicht nur darin, die Bevölkerung zu entvölkern, sondern sogar Verbinden Sie die Gehirne der Überlebenden mit der KI/der Cloud. Das ist der Grund, warum sie so darauf bedacht waren, jeden zu impfen, und warum Bill Gates, der meint, es gäbe zu viele Menschen auf dem Planeten, sagte, er wolle, dass jeder Mann, jede Frau und jedes Kind geimpft werde. Neuralink ist nur eine Ablenkung von der Art und Weise, wie sie Gehirne tatsächlich mit der KI verbinden. Elon Musk sagte sogar in einem Interview im Jahr 2019, dass es nicht notwendig sei, ein Loch in den Schädel einer Person zu bohren, um Elektroden anzubringen, er sagte, dass dies durch erfolgen könne die Venen und Arterien (Injektion). Das ist es, was tatsächlich vor sich geht, und dennoch spricht niemand ausgerechnet in einem Verschwörungssubventionsvideo darüber, auch weil man große Ablehnungen dafür bekommt, wenn man das aufdeckt.

Von 2deepetc


  1. oddministrator on

    Let me get this straight:

    You think the government’s role in Covid vaccine distribution…

    is rarely discussed…

    in /r/conspiracy

    Am I getting that right?

  2. AnswerExcellent9627 on

    There is so much going on in this post… graphene? Like the stuff inside pencils? What exactly do you believe nanotech is? There is not a single gram of knowledge about biology, physics, or electronics in here. Also, money can not be simply printed out of thin air because there is a tricky little thing called inflation…

  3. fowlbaptism on

    When you say the government, you mean all the governments on the planet agreed on this? Israel and Palestine, Russia and China, fucking Yemen and Fiji.. all at a big secret meeting? Is the nano tech in the magical formula invisible to every scientist in the world? Or are they in on it too?

  4. Finally. Regardless of the schizo nature of this post, at least it’s not focused on the election or a specific candidate.

  5. XxCherryAngelxX on

    I believe in your theory OP and I think there are a lot of bots on here responding to your post just seeing how all of these comments are so snarky.

  6. jamaicainhohnke on

    Nowadays anyone who disagrees is automatically assumed to be a bot.

  7. All the older people in my family started dropping like flies. First they loose use of limbs. Legs, arms, hands, etc. just stopped working. Then they gone.

  8. Nice to see others seeing the truth & exactly what COVID & the clot shot was.
    MSM should be hung for Crimes Against Humanity.
    They know under DJT Administration they wii be. Exactly why they resent him so much. Under Executive Order 13818 anyone commiting Crimes Against Humanity or Treason will have all assets seized.
    Big Pharma proceeds should go to every Vaxed person & families who’s loved ones were murdered.

  9. Omg what’s this?!? I’ve never read about such on reddit. Every single day.

  10. Comprehensive_Lab732 on

    Okay but what’s to say things insertated into a graphine trap so to say and then over say 4 5 injections has everything it needs using the electrodes of the natural body itself to bring all materials together to create a construct that inhibits or does something to circulatory system? I’m just presenting a what if,not so far fetched in the sense same way a construction crew would get things in place piece by piece then rebuild, technology already exists for nanostructures and bots that can build on go, idk again just a pure what if. I guess I’ll know by the hot reaction if I’m in course or not lol

  11. got_knee_gas_enit on

    Those who blindly accepted it, after a lifetime of not taking anything not proven to be safe, would rather ignore it, since there is nothing they can do about anything. The other option is to start down a rabbit hole that can wind up consuming all of their free time. We’re conditioned to feel as if it’s a waste of time ,because no one will be held liable in the end anyhow.

  12. goblinhoe1 on

    I’ve been telling ppl about this irl for awhile now. Ever since the microscope photos and tests of the stagnant vax samples showed assembling nano-bot tech around wifi and Bluetooth signals I figured the end goal for the vax must be some kind of AI matrix brain link tech. We’ll find out soon if it’s true if the blue beam aliens tell humanity there is no life after death and their only option for a heaven is to upload their consciousness to their super computer VR world.

  13. moanysopran0 on

    I feel like this distracts from the most credible and likely explanation.

    The world’s most powerful people used a pandemic to enrich themselves, well beyond anything ever recorded in our civilisation before and beta test authoritarianism.

    I think they’d rather I was wondering if Covid and 5G are linked for example than focusing on the above.

  14. NoPilot5270 on

    Yeah, also I noticed the change in narrative surrounding nanotechnology. 10 to 15 years ago, there was a lot of hype about it. Notice that it has effectively died down a lot since. Because there were a lot of ethical issues surrounding the technology. So honestly, your theory here doesn’t surprise me at all. I have heard this one before, but no one talks about it. Neuralink is just a democratized version. DARPA was testing that same tech back in 2011. Had made it long before that.

  15. Alive-Tomatillo5303 on

    Considering it’s been years, I’ve had quite a few of the vaccines and boosters, and I’m not dead, I’m starting to see a flaw in your theory. 

  16. sexy-egg-1991 on

    Fk the bots.I don’t understand how anyone can defend any vaccines anymore. These companies cannot be trusted .

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