Susan Delacourt: Sind die Kanadier Pierre Poilievre sauer? Neue Umfragen deuten darauf hin, dass seine Popularität einen Einbruch erlitten hat


  1. >“Abacus reports that 40 per cent of respondents have a negative impression of Poilievre today, compared to 35 per cent just a month ago.
    “This is the biggest shift over a similar period than we have seen. Today 40 per cent have a negative view and 39 per cent have a positive one — the first time since October 2023 that Poilievre’s favourable is net negative,” David Coletto, CEO of Abacus, said. “His positives are holding but those with a negative view are up to the highest point since June 2023.”
    Abacus didn’t delve into what exactly was driving up the negative impressions of Poilievre, but Coletto says the five-percentage point increase in such a short time is notable.
    “The trend isn’t looking good for Poilievre and the data suggests that something could be happening with how people feel about him,” Coletto says.”

  2. Impressive_East_4187 on

    Policies aside, he is a challenging person to support on likeability metrics.

    Luckily for him, Canadians are furious right now at governments and are looking for change in whatever form that comes in.

  3. Feedmepi314 on

    It appears that along with higher negativity, the “desire for change, no good alternative” number also rose. It appears at the surface, that even with rising negativity, people just seem to hate everyone more as opposed to “switching sides” as Singh nor Trudeau saw any real bump in their own approval. This would coincide with the minimal shift in vote intention posted previously.

    I wonder if we have a campaign full of attack ads if it will simply lead people to not voting as opposed to pushing voters towards your team. I remember on a [Hurley podcast](, Ronellenfitsch discussed the period during the Ontario 2018 election where despite the attack ads on Ford seemingly working, it only drove voters to the NDP. I’m not sure if Singh is positioned in the same way, but she said people just wouldn’t vote for Wynne *no matter what*. I have to wonder how many people Trudeau could pull back in even if the LPC can successfully turn them away from the CPC


  4. ihatemyworkplace1 on

    I have a few friends who are upset at me for stating that I’m going to vote for Trudeau again in the next election. Everytime they ask me why, and I ask them “What policies does PP have that will actually help Canadians?” Is there anyone here that could provide a list of policies he plans to implement?

  5. Cimatron85 on

    Nah. I don’t like him but based on the path the country is headed, I’m on board.

    These articles are pure cope.

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