Polnischer Außenminister: Der Schutz von Kinderkrebskrankenhäusern ist keine Eskalation


Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. LiudvikasLTU on

    Russians are unable to acknowledge their worthlessness. Behaving like bullies while at the same time insisting they are the victims. If they weren’t projecting their worthlessness onto Ukrainians, their delusional egos would implode.

  2. NoJello8422 on

    Maybe it is to ruzzia as they are valid targets for their expensive missiles.

  3. GarlicThread on

    No measure aimed at defending Ukraine is an escalation. The acts that need defending against are the only escalation. When do we start bombing that invader scum all the way back to where they came from?

  4. Horror_Asparagus9068 on

    Thank you to the Polish FM for this statement. The restrictions should have been lifted long ago, it’s madness that Ukraine continues to suffer these genocidal attacks on civilians “because we say so.” from the USA and NATO allies.

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