Warum Trudeau ans andere Ende der Welt flog, um weniger als 48 Stunden in Südostasien zu verbringen



  1. byourpowerscombined on

    Are we supposed to be mad about this? What a clickbaity headline.

    People get all worked up about China being a threat, and then get mad when our government does diplomacy with allies in the region.

  2. skeledirgeferaligatr on

    Look at this, a PM putting geopolitical interests first and doing his job instead of clutching pennies.

    Why are we questioning this when it’s obvious China’s growing influence is going to need counter balance?

  3. Are we supposed to be mad the prime minister is off doing one of his most important duties?

    In that case I expect an article every single time that PP skips the House of Commons to fly to some fundraiser. And every single time that an mp is absent.

  4. Extra_Joke5217 on

    I’m about as anti-Trudeau as you can get but you can’t fault him for this. Trips like this, even if they’re short, are literally his job as PM. I’d be way more critical if he didn’t go, diplomacy is largely about just showing up.

    Canadians care way too much about things that don’t really matter (short trips, diplomatic residences, expensive orange juice) and not enough about the things that do.

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