Ich fand den Pilz auf Moos unter Nadelholzbäumen wachsend. In der Nähe wuchsen auch Trichterpfifferlinge.


Von coziminert


  1. FinancialChallenge58 on

    Looks like a kehnäsieni, yes. The mushroom in the other picture is herkkutatti

  2. It does look like kehnäsieni, has the ring, and should look whitish purplish on the very top, don’t eat it if you can’t be sure. It’s part of seitikki family and a lot of poisonous mushrooms are from that family 

  3. NikolitRistissa on

    Do not rely on mushroom identifications done via photos—ever.

    You should always get someone familiar with them to help identify them _in person_. You could end up killing yourself or someone else.

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