[OC] Taylor Swifts Fangemeinde in den USA.

Von _crazyboyhere_


  1. Caracalla81 on

    The ages don’t add up to 100. It’s not even close, so it’s not from rounding. What’s up with that?

    Edit: Yeah, I read it wrong. Downvotes are to the left. I’ll be sad if I get less than 100.

  2. The totals of the various groupings are very weird:

    Genders: 69%
    Ages: 140%
    Politics: 105%
    Geographic: 141%

    I missed the race one out as Hispanic tends to overlap the others.

    Also what is all?

    EDIT: I finally read the bottom line that explains what it all means. I am leaving this up as a reminder of my stupidity.

  3. skunkachunks on

    It’s crazy that 35% of American Adults consider themselves fans of an artist. There must be very few people that have ever crossed that threshold.

  4. zkDredrick on

    I don’t think this very beautiful. It’s kind of an ugly jumbled barr graph.

  5. I’m a fan, but I literally k ow nothing about her and know two songs from like 15 years ago, and that’s it. But I am a 46m fan.

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