Kommunikationsministerin Michele Rowland bestätigt Altersgrenzen für Kinder in sozialen Medien



  1. > Age limits for Australian children and teenagers accessing social media are locked in, the federal government has confirmed

    Well until they have an excuse to delay it over “disagreements and BIG TECH meddling” then make it an election issue.

  2. HotTakes4Free on

    Smart. Once folks turn thirteen they should turn that garbage off.

  3. OKboomerKO on

    Does that include parents posting their underage children?Can we put an end to that too?

  4. More surveillance, grandstanding and security theatre.

    As I’ve said in every one of these threads, they don’t give a damn about the mental health of kids, this is just an attempt to de anonymise the internet and verify everyone’s identity at the sign up page.

    Look no further than this quote in the article to see the true motivation.

    “No form of tech, no corner of the internet, should be above the rule of law.“

    They want to identify users of whatever websites they feel like and encrypted messaging services like telegram and signal. This law is just their way of doing it under the guise of protecting kids from social media.

  5. Whitestagger on

    Hate to be pedantic, as I think we all know the intended meaning, but I think the term age restrictions is better suited here. Age limits imply restrictions of individuals past a certain age.

    Either way, it’s likely a good call as children typically lack the maturity and skills to safely utilize social media. Honestly, most adults lack those abilities as well.

    Furthermore, most parents seem to be at a complete loss when it comes to monitoring and controlling what their children have access to online, and even when parents do have the necessary knowledge to do so, there is no way to ensure children don’t gain access, through there peers.

    Digital literacy is really something that needs to be taught in our modern world. Most people simply do not understand the technology they are using.

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