Trump enthüllt, wie er den Kosovo-Serbien-Konflikt 2020 beendet hat

Von Prenga


  1. Bishavogel on

    Yeah sure. He stopped regional wars, he stopped WW3, he stopped isis, he invented the covid vaccine, also he would stop the hurricane but the dems wouldn’t let him

  2. bosonrider on

    Richard Grenell, his appointee, just took the Russian line in all negotiations involving Eastern Europe. Thank goodness that stinking POS is gone.

  3. Competitive-Read1543 on

    Everyone like to write their own reviews. What a fucking clown

  4. perverted_sperm on

    Hahhahahaa o zot sa deluzional qe asht. Jo veq ky po edhe ata injorantat n’studio qe sja kane idene se qysh rrjedhin ngjarjet, trazirat e konfliktet ne bote.
    Ky asht 1 budalla racist.

  5. Impressive_Bison4675 on

    Yeah let’s not pretend like since Biden became president Serbia hasn’t been more “brave” . So whatever Trump said or did or didn’t do worked

  6. albo_kapedani on

    Po, po Kosovën dhe Serbinë ndaloj! Sa popoj ka bota që kanë vite që grinden njëri me tjetrin. Nejse, kisha kohë pa e parë në intervista botin. Qenka lodhur e plakur, qenka bërë si oshafkë!

  7. BackgroundPomelo1842 on

    It sounds like the only reason he’s not naming the countries involved is because he can’t remember the names.

  8. Fragrant-Loan-1580 on

    That’s one of the biggest loads of bullshit I’ve heard in a while. He stopped Kosove and Serbia from going to war again by saying he would stop trading with them? What else did he threaten with, economic sanctions? What a sad time we are in when Kamala and this pathological liar are the only options.

  9. It’s interesting how Trump seems to think that the only power of persuasion the US has is economic persuasion. I mean, he is coming to this from the point of view of a businessman. But it is interesting how he does not or cannot mention all of the other forms of soft power that the US has used for many years to persuade countries to avoid conflict.

  10. It’s funny how you guys talk about US politics without a single clue about what is happening here. The far left with biden and harris has literally destroyed, divided and broken the USA. Practically nothing has worked towards prosperity since they came in power. Stop watching leftist media! Trump is for the US 🇺🇸 people and not for illegals and criminals.

  11. DedOriginalCancer on

    out of all the people in this clip, Trump might be the most likeable

  12. kafkastique on

    For a moment there, I thought I’m on r/conservative. The mental gymnastics his supporters perform never cease to amaze me!

  13. BeyonCool69 on

    Cfare me habit me teper jane redditoret omnipotente qe dine gjithcka dhe direkt supozojne se dikush po genjen/mashtron nese urrejne/kane mospelqim ndaj atij personi, nderkohe qe fakte te tera flasin ndryshe.

  14. Antique_School7067 on

    As a Serbian, this is pure comedy. “Hundreds of thousands” – yeah sure

  15. OrlandoGardiner118 on

    I was gonna ask who these fuckin idiots are but you know what, couldn’t give a shit.

  16. Pocky_consume_green on

    Killing each-other for years? 😂 Or one being MURDERED BY THE OTHER??

  17. SouthWave9 on

    Mashtrues patologjik. Shife si i sajon genjeshtrat nderkoh qe flet. Dhe ngatrrohet aq her me veten boti, i kput 1 rrumlla pertumlla per shplarje dhe kta koqet e blejn. Qr ca i poston kto plera.

  18. GTMO-68W-16 on

    “I said, you guys are crazy” so they stopped.
    This moron is kookoo

  19. FriendlyConfusion762 on

    I like how he frames Kosovo and Serbia as both equally at fault as if Kosovo wants to invade Serbia or something. They literally just want to exist.

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