Althia Raj: „Nicht die üblichen Hetze“: Ein Blick auf die wachsenden Forderungen unter Abgeordneten nach einem Rücktritt von Justin Trudeau


  1. Hendrix194 on

    “the prime minister’s director of communications Max Valiquette earlier warned MPs that journalists should not be trusted” seems like a red flag, no?

  2. Impressive_East_4187 on

    I don’t honestly understand why the party isn’t knives out on this.

    We’re about to be relegated to unofficial party status in the next election. Trudeau is pushing the party into the meat grinder with him.

    Wake TF up Liberal party. Can this condescending jacka$$ and provide an actual platform for the next election rather than running on failed policies like dental and pharmacare which benefit like 2% of the Canadian population.

  3. SackBrazzo on

    It’s way overtime for a caucus revolt to be brewing. Problem is they can’t push out Trudeau because they did not adopt the *Reform Act*.

    Can you imagine 50 or so Liberal MP’s voting non confidence against their own party?

  4. Trudeau is the best person to lead the LPC into the next election. Any lead in the opinion polls that the CPC has currently will wither away by the time the election comes a round.

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