Aufgrund der Todesfälle in der Ukraine gehen in Russland die Friedhöfe und Krematorien aus


  1. Guess that explains their willingness to leave bodies on the field. No benefit in additional costs handing over a corpse that justifies survivor gratuities.

    Leave it to Putin and the Kremlin to devise a scheme that saves them a ruble for their next yacht, while continuing to screw over Russian serfs, and brutalize Ukrainians.

  2. Listelmacher on

    But since the beginning of the invasion.
    I probably have lost the source, but in Rostov …
    Found it again:
    “Rostov Changes Mind About Introducing Standards for Graves of Those Killed in Ukraine
    Deputies were going to limit the area of ​​the plots
    April 26, 2022, 12:07 PM”
    В Ростове передумали вводить нормативы для могил погибших на Украине

    There was the thing with the death certificates.
    They didn’t have enough in stock. So they have used these from Soviet times.

    Even the high rank cemetery (Utkin was laid to decay there) … May this year:
    “Mytishchi residents oppose expansion of Defense Ministry memorial. A huge forest plot will be sacrificed for it”
    Жители Мытищ выступили против расширения мемориала Минобороны. Ради него пожертвуют огромным участком леса

    Searching for “crema” in the browser’s history …
    Kommersant in October:
    “With all due respect/The State Duma wants to allow public-private crematoriums”
    Со всеми почестями В Госдуме хотят разрешить государственно-частные крематории

    From yesterday:
    “The State Duma announced a shortage of cemeteries and crematoriums in Russia”
    В Госдуме заявили о дефиците кладбищ и крематориев в России

    Just for the case some leftists still think Russia has some different better social order:
    “… It is impossible to attract capital and investment to this area from outside, other than state ones.
    And yet, they are very much needed,” Razvorotneva said in a commentary for the Parliamentary Newspaper.
    She considered the existing cemeteries and crematoriums to be poorly maintained. …”.

    AFAIK PPP can do things faster (no guarantee),
    but the cost will be higher, because instead of a senior civil servant some CxOs have to be paid.

  3. Umbra-Vigil on

    Ukraine could always do what the Spartans did when they had an excess number of enemy fallen.

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