Konservative in British Columbia sehen sich mit Beschwerden über sexistische Beleidigungen und Islamophobie konfrontiert: Muslimische und Sikh-Organisationen fordern Antworten von John Rustad zu Online-Beleidigungen und Beschimpfungen eines Sprechers.


1 Comment

  1. GhostlyParsley on

    Yeah, well. Also worth noting that we’re a week out from the election and Rustad’s absent from the campaign trail and has yet to release a fully costed platform.

    Look, if this is the government BC voters want, it’s the government we’ll get. Eby’s a pretty capable guy, but it’s not his job to save us from ourselves. Looks like we’re all about to learn a valuable lesson, the hard way.

    [sneak preview of Eby’s concession speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6CVvNRQcvE)

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