Ford rechtfertigt Zuschläge für MPPs mit „harten“ Lebenshaltungskosten und „unfairem“ Grundgehalt


  1. While I do support paying MPPs more in order to actually attract talent – the messaging here is not good

  2. AndHerSailsInRags on

    The base salary has been frozen at $116,000 per year since 2007.

    While that’s not poverty wages by any means, it’s certainly not as much as it used to be. Especially for an MPP in the Toronto area.

  3. jollyadvocate on

    seems unfair in that this doesnt help opposition MPP’s. If there are going to be wage increases (and there should be, given the time that has passed since the last one), it should apply to MPP’s on both sides of the aisle.

  4. As with everything, we get what we pay for. If we want to attract talented and capable people to take these admittedly stressful and unpleasant jobs, we need to offer salaries that are attractive to them. Otherwise, we should be content with who we’re attracting.

    Voters are odd employers. We are among the few who will consistently look at a bad slate of underqualified and uninspiring resumes, toss them, and decide the key to attracting better ones is to offer less pay to the next slate. I don’t think that works they way people think it will.

    It *would* of course be nice if Ford could turn his mind to how this principle might apply in other fields, like healthcare, elder care, child care and judicial administration. And maybe take some form of meaningful action on the provincial portion of policies driving sky high cost of living. Perhaps this raise will help us attract a slate of applicants more able to meet these challenges.

  5. PeregrineThe on

    Call me crazy, but I think politicians should be laid millions; especially in a democracy.

    They work for the highest bidder, and I want that to be taxpaying canadians.

  6. strangewhatlovedoes on

    If the MPP wages are unfair on account of the cost of living, then these top ups should not just apply to PC MPPs.

    This is pure hypocrisy.

  7. Unfair base salary of 116k/ year. The top up or raises average above 16k. Yup. Tough times for those derelict MPPs.

  8. GavinTheAlmighty on

    >Ontario Premier Doug Ford said the province’s “tough” cost of living is one of the reasons why his government recently handed promotions to three Progressive Conservative MPPs, topping up their salaries by more than $16,000 a year.

    Strangely enough, cost of living impacts all MPPs, not just the Conservative ones. But no non-Conservative MPPs are getting raises. HMMMMMMMMMM.

    He is literally admitting that he’s giving promotions to his team to give them more money, not because their services are necessary in that role. How is that not disqualifying?

  9. DesharnaisTabarnak on

    Tbf the top-up would put the average MPP at 132K/year which makes them earn slightly more than the average Toronto household. Given comprables and the cost of living in the area it’s still kind of low given the responsibilities they carry on paper.

    What stinks of course is that Ford has been telling people to pull themselves by their bootstraps but his caucus clearly didn’t like that.

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