Dies ist angeblich die erste Nahaufnahme von AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder-Raketen im ukrainischen Dienst.



  1. Now if we can only get some Ukrainian hands on a big stinking pile of decent range BVR weapons…

  2. Open-Passion4998 on

    Hopefully we see the green light for aim 120 D and slam ER soon. The newer varient of HARM would also be good for hitting stretigic Russian SAMs

  3. I don’t know why but the fact that they come in three packs is funny to me.

  4. Imaginary_Deal_1807 on

    I work for a company that makes those crates. Nice to see them go to a good client.

  5. You have to love that Ukraine is the proving ground for all these weapons

  6. Happy-Ad8917 on

    These are for combat merged or near merged encounters, they are “fox 2” missiles – meaning they are passive, infrared homing, close range missiles. 9x Block 2 guidance can be assisted with Datalink (a networked battlespace data system, almost making them Fox 3’s – active guidance), if activated on the f16’s, allowing input guidance of radar tracking by craft such as the AWACS Ukraine is getting from Sweden. They also work with the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System, an advanced helmet system that greatly improves pilots’ situational awareness and target engagement, which Ukrainian f16’s will have. Good to see, unless you’re a Russian pilot.

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