MP startet Kampagne, um den Preis für Freddo-Schokoriegel auf 5 Pence zu senken

Von Codydoc4


  1. ferrel_hadley on

    This guy has way too much time on his hands. Maybe get busy with being a constituency MP?

  2. Sam_Handwidge on

    Price of raw materials has gone through the roof. You can cut the price of a Freddo if you don’t mind each one being the size of a chocolate button.

  3. Time4aRealityChek on

    Lets not worry about the fact that England is a big dumpster fire and concentrate on what really matters to our constituents

  4. iamjoemarsh on

    >Despite the economic, social, and political issues facing the UK, in October 2024 Southport’s new MP, who earns more than £91,000 per annum representing the town in Parliament, stated on his []( account he wants to start a petition asking Cadburys to reduce the UK children’s sweet called a Freddo back to 5p.

    A really, truly objective edit in Wikipedia.

    This is stupid, annoying, attention-seeking nonsense, but the aim is to try and get young people interested in politics. Which does make me wonder how easily distracted this person thinks the average “young person” is, but if they’re about as easily distracted as the average “old person” then it might work pretty well.

  5. literalmetaphoricool on

    Yes its ridiculous on the surface, but might actually be a good bit of political education (as long as he updates the kids regularly about how inflation works as it inevitably fails).

  6. I love how the go to justification for stuff like this is always “especially in a cost of living crisis.”

  7. Anyone getting genuinely upset about this needs to read the article and get a grip.

    >Hurley told the BBC he was inspired to launch his campaign after speaking to students at a local school in his constituency.

    >”The girls were very clued-up about political issues, including assisted dying and the Middle East.”

    >However, he said one of the students also asked if he could launch a petition to cut Freddo bars to 5p.

    >Hurley said he didn’t expect the campaign to succeed but that the petition was a “lovely, little whimsical, light-hearted thing we can do” that might help engage young people in politics.

    >”If you start talking about gas bills, the average 14-year-old might switch off, but if you talk about the price of chocolate bars…”

  8. Read the article before commenting, jesus christ folks you make yourself look like fools.

  9. This_Ebb_2813 on

    This is the most British thing a British MP could do. It’s just a side-project. I welcome this. Lighten up people!

  10. pissflapgrease on

    Well this post has done a good job of showing how truly pathetic this sub can be.

  11. I’m so angry about this. This is the final nail in the coffin of our once glorious nation.

    My children are in tears, my dog is barking and I’m keeping my photo of Churchill close, for the comfort he brings.

  12. chainedtomydesk on

    Nice to see our MP’s are tackling the real problems facing this country

  13. circle1987 on

    Finally!!! An MP who actually wants to make positive changes to our society!!

  14. They can make them cheaper, but we all know they’ll just make them smaller too.

  15. kahnindustries on

    It will also work as a great example of how petitions do absolutely nothing in the UK

    Remember all the ones in Boris’s term

  16. Psycho_Splodge on

    They should address shrinkflation of chocolate bars while they’re at it.

  17. Substantial_Steak723 on

    The cadbury? animal bar (gone the other year I think) was thinner & tastier reacting to tongue heat melt & flavour than a freddo I reckon, which is just a novelty blob of chocolate.

    Beyond that, Cadbury’s is a very questionable brand to support now after their promise to retain the facilities in the uk they sent a lot of it to poland wasn#t it?

    They also changed the recipes of many product under the cadbury brand, not for the better.

    Why does anyone still support the shite chocolate the multinational produces under the cadbury name, really?

  18. CastleofWamdue on

    of course Labour is THIS out of touch with reality. At least the Tories were out of touch and did minimum of pretending to care.

    This guy, wants us to ignore the cost of living, and rise in food prices generally due to coca being sold on a shares type market.

  19. FunctionOld4351 on

    Bored of people thinking they are witty measuring things by the cost of a Freddo over the years.

    Prob from the same crowd as “holibobs” “boaty mcboatface” and “computer says no”.

  20. MisterrTickle on

    >Announcing the move on social media, he said: “20 pence for a Freddo is too much, especially in a cost of living crisis”.

    >The Southport MP added that since announcing the campaign he had “learnt more about Freddos than any person should”.

    Except the actual price of a Freddo.

    >costs currently stand at around 30p.

  21. discostu90 on

    Good way for young people to learnt that petitions often do very little? 🤷

  22. Spoomplesplz on

    Just in time for me to move out of England a year ago.

    I’m coming back boiz and it’s only for the freddos.

  23. It’s great to engage children in democracy. Children are young as 4 will have a vote on what to do throughout the year in squirrels and they are much more engaged in the activities because of it. 

    Want to go out conker collecting or want to stay in for hot chocolate? It’s up to you guys, and all your votes are equal!

  24. shoogliestpeg on

    Price controls on essential indexed goods in MY free Neoliberal hellstate??

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