Eine neue Methode hat unsere Fähigkeit verbessert, Wasserstoff ohne schädliche Nebenprodukte wie Kohlendioxid zu erzeugen. Dies könnte es uns ermöglichen, Wasserstoff als eine häufiger vorkommende, grüne Energiequelle zu nutzen, damit wir alle etwas leichter atmen können.



  1. Green hydrogen is already an etablished product, there are severeal companies producing it at major scale. Generation of the hydrogen is only one issue, the compression of it to high pressure is actually a lot of energy as well.

    Further, Rhodium is really expensive and not plentiful at all. If there is a viable route to recycle that can be ok, like in industrial catalysis. For something to be distributed to the general public and essentially thrown away, that would be a big problem. Add to it that the process they are using is CVD, chemical vapor deposition, the precurosrs for which are really really expensive for semiconductor use. ($50k-$100k per kg expensive.)

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