Nach Kasachstan hat Weißrussland Russland den Zugang zu Äpfeln blockiert


  1. This reads like The Onion article. I mean, Russia grows their own apples, it’s not some exotic fruit.

  2. BaronVonLazercorn on

    So it’s pretty much just a matter of time before Ruzzia annexes Belaruz

  3. Is this related to how Russia has resorted to bartering with fruit as a currency?

    I’m not even joking.


    >According to the agreement, Russia will provide 20,000 tons of chickpeas in exchange for the same amount of Pakistani rice. Separately, Pakistan will trade 10,000 tons of potatoes and 15,000 tons of mandarin oranges for 10,000 tons of Russian lentils and 15,000 tons of chickpeas.

    What’s the conversion rate from Belarusian apples to Pakistani potatoes?

  4. Finally!! Russia will fall down because of apples!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤪💪🏻

    «The Ministry of Anti-monopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) of Belarus is initiating the introduction of licensing to export cabbage, onions, and apples in order to meet domestic demand fully, MART Minister Alexei Bogdanov said.

    “The issue of introducing licensing for the export of cabbage, onions, and apples is developing. What is the reason for this? It is predicted that there may not be enough of this product until the end of the off-season, since there is increased demand in the export direction today, to Russia. Prices there are somewhat higher than here on the domestic market,” the BelTA state news agency quoted Bogdanov as saying.»

    And this is not the first time this has happened. Normal economic relations and no politics.

  5. I’ve never been as convinced that Russia is fucked as I am after reading this. Like, there are countries denying them access to apples? Really?

  6. Swimming_Profit8857 on

    Another lucrative black market opens up, smuggling apples out of Belarus to the rich in Ruzzia. Gangsters gonna hustle.

  7. Fickle_Competition33 on

    I thought Belarus was their ally. Has anything changed?

  8. Apples are totally not needed, what for to make baby food lol seriously. 

  9. ISLAndBreezESTeve10 on

    Starter Fluid apple launchers made of PVC have been sighted on the battlefield.

  10. Belarus and Kazakhstan were like:
    “I’ve got Ukraine’s number! How do you like them apples!”

  11. They need their access to potatoes and other vodka making ingredients blocked.

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