Drohnenaufnahmen eines russischen BTR-82A, der von einem ukrainischen FGM-148 Javelin MANPATS getroffen wird. Oblast Donezk.

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. retrolleum on

    Look just cause you can allegedly use a javelin against slow flying helicopters in an emergency does not make it a MANPADS. lol. It’s an ATGM.

    Also misspelling it MANPATS implies that you meant man portable air tank system which also makes no sense.

    Edit: I’ve learned to my horror that MAPATS is actually a thing. I say no, no more acronyms ATGM was fine.

  2. Javelin is just a wickedly effective system. Is this new footage? We haven’t seen many Javelins recently and I was beginning to think supplies had dried up.

  3. Savgeriiii on

    You are the first person I’ve ever heard us MANPAT and I hate you for it. Even Lockheed and Martin don’t call their system that.

  4. Used_Visual5300 on

    Javelin how.. it’s not in top attack mode and looks weird for direct mode – plus a normal battletank is reduced to scrap with a direct hit and this rolls on. Wonder what the story behind it is.

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