„Brillante Postboten“ stellen Briefe ohne Adresse zu


Von boycecodd


  1. Left-Equipment8049 on

    This is literally a daily occurrence for posties. Might take a little longer but it normally gets where it’s meant to be going. Is this any harder than having a name and a county? Because that happens more than you’d think.

  2. WhalingSmithers00 on

    Because the address is handwritten and has an actual stamp they’d go to the extra effort to find this. You aren’t tracking someone down over Hello Fresh spam but this would stand out

    I’ve had birthday cards clearly written by children with addresses like Uncle Steve then the town. It will take a while sometimes but you try and figure it out.

  3. VIII_OKeeffe on

    Meanwhile Royal Mail lost my Patagonia order, which was addressed to a RM pick up location…

  4. RatherFond on

    20 odd years ago a friend had a letter delivered correctly to them that was addressed to “rusty yellow fiesta on front lawn with blue front door” and town name. Magic

  5. James is an immense historian and top bloke. He also lives in rural Wiltshire, likely has had the same postie for a long time.

  6. ZakalweTheChairmaker on

    I gather the Irish are good at this?

    I wanted to send a friend who moved to rural Ireland a wedding invitation. She told me to send it to *Jane Doe* [placeholder for real name, natch] *in Belmullet.* Her (correct) response to my confused face emoji was *it’ll get here.*


    To: the girl who took my breath away when I saw her across the street in 2012


  8. simondrawer on

    I am fairly sure Bill Bryson wrote a whole chapter on this phenomenon.

  9. My favourite one of these is when kids sent a letter to the wrestler Grado, with the address “Grado, Top end of Stevenson, Ayre, Scotland” and it actually arrived.

  10. James is possibly the most famous person in Broadchalke since Terry Pratchet died. Salisbury Delivery Office probably get a lot of mail for him.

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