Israelische F15 fängt eine aus dem Irak geschickte Drohne über Aschkelon im Süden Israels ab (Freitag, 11. Oktober)

Von Arielkro


  1. mystic_cheese on

    The real life representation of using a sledgehammer to kill a bug.

  2. 150c_vapour on

    I wonder if any anti-air missiles from the Russian conflict will end up in the hands of the resistance there. They will certainly have no problem baiting IOF jets into a target zone.

  3. Kickinitez on

    Can someone please explain what is going on here? It looks like they are shooting at something on the ground. Where is the drone?

  4. Apprehensive-Foot-73 on

    This happened at 6:30, woke me up. What a great morning to be alive

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