Untersuchungen ergaben, dass das Risiko für Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall und Tod bei ungeimpften Erwachsenen, die an COVID-19 erkrankt waren, mehr als doppelt so hoch und bei Erwachsenen, die mit COVID-19 ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurden, fast viermal höher war als in der Gruppe ohne Vorgeschichte von COVID-19 Infektion.


1 Comment

  1. The analysis found:

    During the nearly 3-year follow-up period, the risk of heart attack, stroke and death was more than two times higher among adults who had COVID-19, and nearly four times greater among adults hospitalized with COVID-19, compared with the group with no history of COVID-19 infection.

    People hospitalized with COVID-19, without cardiovascular disease or without Type 2 diabetes, had a 21% greater risk of heart attack, stroke and death compared to people with cardiovascular disease and without COVID-19 infection.

    There was a significant genetic interaction among the non-O blood types and hospitalization for COVID-19. People with severe COVID-19 infections had an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, however, that risk was even higher in people who had non-O blood types (those with blood types A, B or AB).

    The risk of heart attack and stroke was about 65% higher in adults with non-O blood types compared to those who had type O blood. A preliminary analysis did not show that Rh (positive or negative) blood type interacted with severe COVID-19, the authors noted.


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