König Charles „flog einen UFO-Prototyp in Kanada“, behaupten Zeugen in neuem Dokumentarfilm


Von solid_boss55


  1. Usual-Excitement-970 on

    They weren’t going to risk the future king of England in a prototype anything.

  2. How do you design a prototype of something but still not be able to identify it?

  3. GreenAndDee on

    He can fly a prototype UFO but shrieks at the idea of clingfilm. Yeah I believe it…

  4. madmanchatter on

    If he flew it it as a test for the military surely it is not unidentified and therefore not a UFO. Prince Charles flew secret aircraft with prototype propulsion technology is a way cooler story than a nonsense UFO conspiracy.

  5. ferrel_hadley on

    I thought this was an Express article. Hard as it is to believe, the Mirror has gone downhill.

  6. True-Abalone-3380 on

    > “The craft had dual rotor blades like a helicopter, but it would also just sit and hover in the sky with the blades not on and with no sound of propulsion just a faint crackle of electromagnetism.
    > “**I don’t think it was extra terrestrial** but might be technology developed by Nikolai Tesla who had a facility here and now this was being used by the US, Canadian and British Military.”

    Given his apparent record as a pilot I presume they wanted to test how survivable it was on hard landings.

  7. Marble-Boy on

    Prince sausage fingers, who I’ve never even seen driving a fkng car, flew a prototype vehicle that engineers built but couldn’t identify?

    That sounds legit af.

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