75 % der 800 Milliarden Dollar PPP erreichten die Arbeitnehmer nicht. Größter Betrug der Geschichte? Die Fed-Studie kam zu dem Schluss, dass PPP keine vom Verlust bedrohten Arbeitsplätze unterstützte und das Geld überproportional an wohlhabendere Haushalte floss.

Von Orangutan


  1. Lots of issues surrounding the past. Lots of things in the future to focus on and distract from it.

  2. skeptical_spice on

    >according to a new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

    Do we trust the Fed now?

  3. GreenAlien10 on

    Just more taxpayer support for the 1% while pretending to support the middle class.

  4. AnyWhichWayButLose on

    Yet all the boomers clamor about student loan debt cancelation.

  5. somethingsomething65 on

    Our owner bought a big house and put in a pool with his ppp. Meanwhile, I’m fighting for a $2k bonus. 

  6. iDrinkRaid on

    And yet the people that need to see this somehow won’t, they’ll be too busy crying about how Harris took a week after a hurricane to make a video address meaning she did nothing prior or whatever.

  7. lavenderenergy1 on

    Remember when 3 billion of it went to the Catholic Church?! 

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