Die kanadische TD Bank hat zugestimmt, Strafen in Höhe von mehr als 3 Milliarden US-Dollar zu zahlen, weil sie die Geldwäsche durch Drogenkartelle nicht ausreichend überwacht, sagten US-Beamte am Donnerstag



  1. Necessary-Basil-2878 on

    Now your fees will go up and they will find new ways to get to your money

  2. Horton_Takes_A_Poo on

    Good, they should be penalized for cutting corners on BSA requirements

  3. No consequences for the ppl committing the crime? Just a monetary fine for a big corporation that will recoup the losses via fee increases for the clients of the bank. What a world we live in.

  4. restlessmonkey on

    Agreed to pay $3B? Means they must have made about $9B or so. Not bad.

  5. Gill_Gunderson on

    For those thinking $3B isn’t enough. They’ll likely pay 10x or more in related compliance costs (staffing, training, consultants, systems, etc). Based on the CMP, staffing was a major issue for years and the execs ignored it.

  6. NoLime7384 on

    any crime that doesn’t get you jail time is just the cost of doing business. smdh. Should at least force the change of the board

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