Der Vertreter des Koordinierungshauptquartiers für die Behandlung von Kriegsgefangenen, Petro Jazenko, bestätigte den Tod der ukrainischen Journalistin Viktorija Roschtschyna in russischer Gefangenschaft.

Von JesusMcTurnip


  1. haphazard_chore on

    I think we can assume that Russia is to blame and I hate to think what the autopsy will show.


    Fuck’in cowards. Russians claim to be defending the world from Satanist and Nazies but ask them any questions you are not told to or film anything they didn’t tell you to and the cowards murder you.

    You will always find the “bravest ” Russians where there are no armed people to fight back.

  3. ryandetous on

    In a perfect world, “Hunters” would reboot as a reality show.

  4. Interesting_List_631 on

    Russians are by definition, the scum of the earth. The sooner they cease to exist, the better!

  5. rawonionbreath on

    She was going into the occupied territories to report, and that’s how she disappeared.

  6. Never forget Trumpy considers Putin his close personal friend who he admires and adores.

  7. jayjay16022 on

    So when do we stop calling them Russian POW camps and start calling them death camps? There is plenty of evidence from the occupied territories.

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