NATO-Chef sagt, es gebe rechtliche Gründe für die Aufhebung der Beschränkungen für Angriffe gegen Russland


  1. DanDanTeacherMan on

    Why are we such useless pricks. I’m so sorry to any Ukrainians here.

  2. Yes it’s called a fricking war, with a victim of an illegal, immoral, stupid invasion that does not benefit almost anyone, not even Russia. In another case this issue would not even had been a second thought. Our societies are full with russian controlled m*rons.

  3. It has always been legally allowable for Ukraine to strike Russia since they were invaded. The restrictions on strikes against Russia with Western weapons are purely cowardice.

  4. Own_Philosopher_9651 on

    Its like saying there are legal grounds for- putting your shoes on in the morning. Just do it already!!!

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