Die Bevölkerungsstruktur Großbritanniens befindet sich im Prozess eines dramatischen Wandels – und die Ursachen dafür sind faszinierend


Von ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. Turns out it’s them immigrants again. Sky news “just asking questions” as usual.

  2. I’ll save you a click. They say migration is not only A reason, but THE ONLY reason.

  3. FairHalf9907 on

    Yes old people eventually and sadly die and if we don’t allow people to afford kids you get a demographic change.

  4. corbynista2029 on

    >But in 2023 that changed: the number of births was smaller than the number of deaths. The upshot was that the “natural population” fell.

    This is the real news. Migration can be controlled by government, birth rate not so much. South Korea has shown that throwing money at the problem doesn’t solve it, and now they are facing an immense population crunch. Since migration is not politically sustainable, our government need to figure out a way to bring it back up again.

  5. ferrel_hadley on

    >What is genuinely new is that that net migration wasn’t just part of the explanation for higher population growth; it was the entire explanation for population growth.

    >And not just any population growth – the highest population growth in more than three-quarters of a century.

    >That’s totally unprecedented. And whatever your thoughts about migration – and the demographics of the UK – it’s a salient fact that deserves to be debated more.

    People have voted for parties promising to slow down immigration for every election for perhaps the past 23 years.

    We do not have the housing and we do not have the state resources for this scale of immigration. We are very seriously fiscally constrained: we are spending 44% of GDP through the state and that is being spent with a 3% deficit. Every service is being cut per capita other than pensions and health that are going up. Immigration is not causing some magical boom in the economy, we have had the highest growth in immigration and the flattest GDP growth on record, averaging about 1.1% since 2010.

    People are arguing like it’s 1997 and we have a booming economy and immigration is in the high 10 000s a year so there are great arguments for it to continue. Its not.

    There is zero democratic mandate for this. It is not helping the economy, it is a big part of driving up the costs of housing and its soaking up available renting spaces.

    This has to be a mainstream political issue and not one shut down by crying racist.

  6. **Breaking news**: Extortionate childcare costs and rising house prices have resulted in people having fewer babies.

    Truly groundbreaking research there.

  7. AcademicIncrease8080 on

    Even as recently as the 1991 census the UK was around 95% white British, now just over 30 years later we are nearing 40% of primary school pupils being from a minority background (it’s [currently 37.4%](https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/school-pupils-and-their-characteristics) and increasing at around 1% a year).

    In other words we are undergoing an unprecedented demographic transformation which will be treated by future history books in a similar way as we think about the arrival of the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans _etc_.

    There’s never been any strategy for assimilation, and no politicians or civil servants ever apparently bothered to consider the _propensity_ of different migrant groups to integrate. And the scale and speed of the mass immigration has created the conditions for parallel societies and ghettos to flourish, with the London cosmopolitan elites seemingly unaware of the social experiment they’ve begun.

  8. Hotel rooms, cars, restaurant tables. Nothing is really adapted for large families. Why have one?

  9. Innocuouscompany on

    More short terms strategies from the uk. I think when individualism and consumerism drives the economy, not to mention the conservative mantra of “don’t buy what you can’t afford” then is it any wonder.

    Conservatives complained about those on benefits being able to afford flat screen TV’s instead of clothing their kids. People listened and said “fine, we won’t have kids then”.

  10. andymaclean19 on

    Article got me interested, explained the facts, told me that it needed to be debated and then stopped. I was waiting for them to at least start the debate.


  11. Electricfox5 on

    I mean, yeah, it’s not really a shocker, and it’s going to be needed. I mean who the hell is going to wipe our arses for us if we manage to get to the age of 80/90 and there’s still such a thing as retirement age (press x to doubt).

    Robotics and AI will solve *some* of the problem, but it’s not going to fix it all.

  12. Mellllvarr on

    I pity the white British children yet to be born in this country, they’ll never know what was taken from them.

  13. LondonDude123 on

    So after so much of the “Its not happening and youre a racist for pointing it out” were now into the “Oh yeah its actually happening” phase of things…

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