Rustad ändert Geschichte über tödliche Überdosis, Gerichtsmediziner hatte keine Aufzeichnungen über | Der Vorsitzende der Konservativen in British Columbia hatte bei einer Fernsehdebatte behauptet, er habe in den Straßen Robson und Hornby eine Überdosis gesehen


  1. SuperToxin on

    We just need strict laws against politicians lying. It’s ridiculous. They just shit out both sides of their mouth always.

  2. UnionGuyCanada on

    So, he lied to make Eby look bad, had to admit he lied and didn’t resign? 

      The man has no honour and doesn’t deserve to lead. Anyone not calling for his resignation is admitting this behavior is okay.

  3. GiantPurplePen15 on

    Why this man is even a competitive candidate for BC frustrates and confounds me to no end.

    Eby and the BCNDP has overall done a decent job and had a few fumbles sure but voting for Rustad and the BCCON is basically agreeing that the nutjob that won’t stop pissing himself and shouting profanities on the bus should be given power.

  4. Honestly while people blame social media for the spread of misinformation, the truth is it could be stopped today if politicians wanted it to. They don’t because it helps them.

    Why do media organizations bend over backward to be ‘balanced’ toward both sides when only one side is repeatedly lying blatantly?

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