Das von Russland kontrollierte Öldepot in Feodosia brennt immer noch, vier Tage nachdem es von ukrainischen Drohnen getroffen wurde. Krim – Oktober 2024



  1. downwiththewoke on

    What a gorgeous sight. 😍. I’m so hopeful that Ukraine will take out all these depots.

  2. Fickle-Walk9791 on

    Are they even trying to protect the rest of the tanks or are they just taking the fact as granted that Ukraine will take out one facility after another and that supply is then someone else’s problem?

  3. mystic_cheese on

    We don’t need no water, let the muthafucka burn!
    Burn muthafucka!

  4. StunningPair271 on

    This is a significant development in Crimea, the repercussions for Russia’s logistics will be huge.

  5. Any-Web278 on

    Was ist mit der Umwelt da sagt keiner was wieviel Dreck in die Luft gepustet wird!!!!

  6. Particular_Yak_1132 on

    Is UKR now including thermite in its bomb packages? They seem to have mastered it in their Dragon drones. Let’s hope.

  7. one of their depots was on fire for like two weeks? lets hope this will set a new record!

  8. It’s utterly horrific, isn’t it? When you think of all the vehicles and buildings destroyed since this stupid invasion began. It blows my mind.

  9. JamsHammockFyoom on


    Are they even able to put these out now? I’d have thought the foam needed is sanctioned to hell and back.

  10. Frosty_Ad_2834 on

    Correction: It was hit by the depris from the shut down drones.

  11. English_loving-art on

    That’s a wonderful sight , it’s worth off setting the carbon footprint of this for others to enjoy:: Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  12. Firm_Shame_192 on

    All the million tourists from Russia can’t drive back home from Crimea

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